Sir Gwyn

GWYN, Household Knight of Cornwall

Cymric Christian; father Riderch, a knight and brother of Baron Camelford; son nr 6; liege Baron Camelford; current home Tregoodwell Keep; born 470; Glory 210.

Distinctive Features: hairy body; speaks slowly

SIZ 12; DEX 14; STR 12; CON 18; APP 8 

Chaste / Lustful: 17 / 3
* Energetic / Lazy: 16 / 4
Forgiving / Vengeful: 8 / 12
* Generous / Selfish: 10 / 10
Honest / Deceitful: 10 / 10
* Just / Arbitrary: 10 / 10
* Merciful / Cruel: 8 / 12
* Modest / Proud: 15 / 5
Pious / Worldly: 15 / 5
Temperate / Indulgent: 16 / 4
* Valorous / Cowardly: 13 / 7

Religious Bonus - none
Chivalry Total 70

Loyality (Baron Camelford): 16
Love (family): 12

Total Hit Points: 30
Major Wound: 18
Knockdown: 12
Unconscious: 7
Move: 2.6
Damage: 4d6
Healing: 3 pts/week

* Battle: 10
* Lance: 10
* Ride: 10
* Sword: 10
Greatspear: 5
Spear: 5

SKILLS: Awareness 3, Boat 1, Chirurgery 0, Courtesy 3, * Cymric Custom 10, Cymric Literacy 0, Dance 2, * First Aid 10, Folklore 2, Game 3, Hawking 3, Heraldry 3, Intrigue 3, Irish Custom 3, Joust 3, Latin Literacy 0, Orate 3, Pictish Custom 0, Play 3, Recognize 3, Roman Custom 3, Saxon Custom 1, Sing2, * Speak Cymric 10, * Speak Irish 10, Speak Latin 2, Speak Pictish 0, Speak Saxon 0, Stewardship 2, * Swim 10, Track 5, Worship 2.

HORSE: charger, damage 6d6, move 8.
EQUIPMENT: light chain armor (8), 2 spears, shield, sword, 5 jousting lances, 1 charger, 1 palfrey, clothing (£1), money (60d.).

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